Industry Seminar on “Enhance factory’s competitiveness through effective training system”

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Industry Seminar on “Enhance factory’s competitiveness through effective training system”

Today, in the competitive environment, enterprises need a qualified, skilled and committed workforce. Such a workforce can only be obtained through appropriate recruitment and continuous training. How can enterprises conduct a systematical training program to meet their needs and bring practical results? To response to a part of this need, Better Work Vietnam organizes the industry seminar “Enhance factory’s competitiveness through effective training system”

Information of seminar

  • Date and time: 08:00am – 12:00pm, Friday 16/06/2017
  • Venue: Lavender Meeting Room, Tan Son Nhat Restaurant, Hoang Van Thu Street, Ward 9, Phu Nhuan District,  Ho Chi Minh City.
  • Speaker: Ms. Lynn Luc, Li & Fung (Vendor Compliance & Sustainability VN)
  • Language in the seminar: Vietnamese



  • Each enterprise is encouraged to register for one management representative of Board Of Director or Human Resources or Compliance to attend.
  • Please click on the link REGISTRATION to register online by 14:00pm, 14/06/2017.

For more information, please contact Ms. Pham Thi Ngoc Tram,  telephone number (08) 73 050 363 (ext 111) ; or email :


How to use the 15-day training package of Better Work?

What is the systematic training?

Training Needs Analysis, foundations of effective training system

Training plan, assessment on training’s effectiveness.

Sharing practical experiences.

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Event date :
Jun 16, 2017
8:00 am - 12:00 pm
FactoriesVietnamVietnam Training

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