Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Netherlands
Jos Huber works as senior policy advisor on CSR for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands. Her focus is on improving labour conditions in global supply chains. Between August 2013 – February 2014 she worked in Bangladesh, based at the Netherlands embassy, on improving labour conditions in the garment industry. In this period she arranged the funding of the ILO project for the garment industry in Bangladesh.
Her home base is at the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment. Since 2012 she has been posted at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in the field of CSR and development cooperation. She has worked on issues as the relation between CSR and public labour inspection in developing countries and living wages in the supply chain. She initiated the European Conference on Living Wages (2013) and the Asian Living Wage Conference (2016).
At the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment she worked between 1998 – 2012 on issues as diverse as childcare, manpower services, gender equality in Turkey, CSR and social procurement. She initiated the global Child Labour Platform for international companies, now coordinated by ILO/IPEC and Global Compact. She worked on labor rights in the context of ILO, OECD and G-20.
Jos Huber started her career at the public service trade union ABVAKABO, where she worked from 1983 – 1998 as gender specialist and policy advisor. She was a member of the Equal Treatment Commission in the Netherlands. She has a degree in social science.