The key non-compliance findings under each cluster are:
Child Labour: issues reported in respect of 2 factories and concern mostly the lack of proper age verification systems and insufficient protection of young workers (children legally allowed to work) from hazardous work.
Forced Labour: an issue with coercion involving the imposition of a curfew, retention of ID cards and personal belongings was found in one factory and readily acted upon following advice by Better Work Indonesia and government.
Discrimination: employers continue not meeting existing legal requirements concerning the inclusion of, at least 1% of people with desabilities in their workforce. This is mainly due to lack of knowledge by employers of 1% rule and difficulties in recruiting and finding skilled disabled people.
Freedom of Association: poor quality of collective bargaining remains an issue with some of the existing CBAs (14 out of 44) offering less favorable provisions than national law. There are also issues with workers not having been provided with copies of CBAs.
Compensation: non-compliance is high when it comes to overtime payment due to lack of understanding of the wage structure and scale mechanism by management while designing the contracts. The entry into force of new regulations on social health security and the administrative burden that those regulations carry, also contributed to high levels of non-compliance.
Contracts and Human Resources: Factory-level bipartite committees (LKS Bipartite) are not operating effectively in 76 of the assessed factories. Workers on non-permanent contracts receive multiple non-permanent contracts that go beyond the limits established by law.
Occupational Safety and Health: non-compliance is high across almost all of the cluster, with very high non-compliance rates observed concerning emergency preparedness, health services and first aid. There is still a lack of commitment by factories implementing OSH management systems and reinforcing OSH rules. The committees are not performing to the desired level and organizational requirements are not being fully fulfilled.
Working Time: in 88 of the assessed factories, workers have been engaged in excessive overtime, often due to production demands. In a smaller but substantial number of factories, attendance records were found to be inaccurate due to improper recording of overtime.
Better Work publishes compliance synthesis reports for each of its country programmes, presenting analysis of non-compliance at the aggregate level. The goal of these reports is to provide transparent information for all programme stakeholders regarding working conditions in the factories participating in the programme.