Better Work


Better Work Pakistan was established in 2022 and aims to produce measurable results at both the policy and factory level.

Brands and Retailers






Pakistan has a significant textile and ready-made garment sector, which, after agriculture, is both the largest employer and largest contributor to gross domestic product.

In 2022 the total value of clothing exports to the European Union increased over 46% to more than US$ 2.5 billion (EUR 2.4 billion).

Better Work Pakistan enrolled over 94 enterprises and established linkages with the federal government and provincial governments

Better Work Pakistan

Better Work Pakistan was established in 2022, following the signature of a formal Memorandum of Understanding between the federal Ministry of Overseas Pakistanis and Human Resource Development, the provincial Governments of Sindh and Punjab, the ILO Country Office and Better Work.

The Ministry of Commerce also supports the programme, with a significant proportion of funding being provided from the Export Development Fund. Better Work Pakistan aims to produce measurable results at both the policy and factory level.

During its three-year pilot phase, the programme is implementing Better Work’s factory engagement model in enterprises in Karachi and Punjab. The programme has already enrolled enterprises across Karachi, Faisalabad and Lahore to support the priorities of the 19 Better Work brand partners sourcing from Pakistan. Better Work’s approach supports Pakistan’s continued compliance with the European Union’s and United States respective Generalized scheme of preferences for trade. Pakistan is in the process of re-application for the next round of GSP+, which will require expanded ratifications and implementation of ILO international labour standards.  The two year grace period will provide a unique opportunity to Pakistan to take forward its international commitments and improve compliance.




Strategic Goals

Better Work Pakistan’s three-year pilot phase (2022-2024) is working to achieve the following outcomes:

Employers and workers and their representatives in the Better Work programme uphold and are protected by national labour laws and fundamental principles and rights at work; enterprises in the sector are more sustainable, resilient and inclusive.


Better Work Pakistan will have strengthened overall labour market governance including sectoral social dialogue in the textile, clothing and footwear sector.


Enterprises that participate in Better Work have adopted policies and practices on responsible business conduct that support the realization of decent work.


Better Work’s learnings and methods have created positive social and environmental impacts beyond the programme as they are adopted in other countries and sectors.


Latest news

Featured 1 Jul 2024

Global collaborations help shift industry norms in Pakistan

The Better Work Pakistan team uncovers challenges and opportunities in the unique context of the country’s growing garment industry.

Contribution to Priority Themes

This pilot phase of Better Work Pakistan will contribute to the following priority themes set out in the global Better Work strategy. These themes crosscut the strategic goals and will be present in our factory engagement, research, policy influencing and content produced, as well as affect how we allocate our human and financial resources.

Productivity and Business Performance

Productivity / Business Performance

Better Work Pakistan will support businesses to improve productivity and competitiveness in the region and globally. The programme will improve relationships between brands and suppliers through business fora and by encouraging engagement between the sector, the Ministry of Commerce and other government agencies. 


Data and Evidence

Data and Evidence

Better Work Pakistan will generate data at the factory level, to demonstrate the impacts of improved working conditions and increased social dialogue on productivity and competitiveness. Together with independent academic partners and the EU’s ILES project, Better Work Pakistan will design and conduct impact research, developing evidence-based case studies. 



Gender Equality and Inclusion

Gender equality & inclusion

Better Work Pakistan will seek to improve working conditions for female workers and enhance their career opportunities through its supervisory skills and other female leadership capacity building initiatives and training. The programme will also engage home-based women workers and support them through training and mentoring in order to enhance their economic opportunities and financial literacy.

Social Dialogue

Social Dialogue

By increasing effective communication between managers, supervisors and workers, Better Work Pakistan supports effective social dialogue at the factory level and will support alongside the broader ILO the development of a tripartite consensus and implement the action plan made with the federal, Sindh and Punjab governments to improve labour legislation and policy frameworks. 


Key Partners



Ministry of Overseas Pakistanis and Human Resource Development Ministry of Commerce Labour and Human Resource Department, Government of Punjab Labour and Human Resouce Department, Government of Sindh Labour and Human Resources Department Export Development Fund


Employers’ Federation of Pakistan


Pakistan Workers’ Federation
Business Community


19 brands

Reports and Publications

  • Annual Reports
  • Discussion Papers
  • Research Briefs
  • Reports
  • Strategies
  • Fact Sheets
  • Tools and Guidelines

Development Partners

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