Berita dan Acara

28 Nov 2024

Lessons from a high-performance factory in Viet Nam

This year, Better Work marks 15 years of operations in Viet Nam. The Poong In Vina factory has been with the programme almost from day one. The Poong In Vina Co., Ltd., located in the Binh Duong province, is one of 34 of the approximately 500 factories enrolled with Better Work Viet Nam recognized as …

13 Nov 2024

Better Work Jordan, adidas, dan Fair Labor Association bekerja sama untuk fokus pada standar keselamatan dan kesehatan di sektor garmen

AMMAN, Yordania, 31 Oktober - Dengan keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja (K3) yang kini telah ditetapkan sebagai prinsip dasar dan hak di tempat kerja, Program Better Work Jordan (BWJ) dari Organisasi Buruh Internasional (ILO), berkolaborasi dengan adidas dan Fair Labor Association (FLA), menyelenggarakan serangkaian seminar teknis mengenai pentingnya kepatuhan terhadap K3. Seminar tersebut, ...

12 Nov 2024

Bekerja dalam bahaya: Kisah-kisah dari industri garmen Haiti

The humanitarian crisis in Haiti has not spared the garment industry. As businesses strive to continue operations, workers likewise struggle to pursue their livelihoods in the face of compromised safety. Haiti’s garment industry has, until recently, been a cause for optimism in a country that has grappled with political and social unrest and natural disasters …


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