Nouvelles et événements

12 Sep 2024

Voices of Cambodia’s Factory Ambassador Programme

Better Factories Cambodia’s Factory Ambassador Programme is designed to support the capacity development of key members of the factory bipartite committee to take more ownership of improving their workplaces. These ambassadors share their experiences in their own words.

16 Jul 2024

The Factory Ambassador programme: Empowering workers in Viet Nam’s garment industry

An innovative programme is allowing Better Work to build capability and promote sustainable compliance in the country’s garment factories. Phan Thi Trang works in compliance at the Minh Anh-Kim Lien factory. Her job regularly requires her to deliver training to her fellow workers. In the past, she has struggled with her communication skills. “Before, I …

1er juillet 2024

Les collaborations mondiales contribuent à faire évoluer les normes industrielles au Pakistan

L'équipe de Better Work Pakistan découvre les défis et les opportunités dans le contexte unique de l'industrie de l'habillement en pleine croissance du pays.


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